Website Upgrades & Makeovers

Not Ranking? Not Performing? Not Proud of It?

Responsive Design

We make it easy for you to have an Online presence that truly represents you and your business.

Fast Loading Time

Smart decisions make for great websites and Design is critical to better Rankings and more Leads

User Experience

Everything ages, Websites included. We can bring your Website up to date, and improve its performance as well

What Is A Website Upgrade.

Website design and upgrade

A website Upgrade is simply the process of modifying a website that is already live on the Internet.

We not only work with businesses to design and build quality, new Websites but to bring existing Websites up to date.

Because there are many technical aspects to consider before starting a Website upgrade, it is unwise to start without the help of someone experienced in the area.

But before we look at those, let’s consider why a business might want to redesign a current site, even one that seems to be working at present…

Want To Discuss Your Options?

We build modern, attractive, responsive websites that do what they are designed to do. All supported by clear strategy, research and best SEO practices. If you simply want a better looking, better performing Website we would love to talk to you.

Why Should You Upgrade Your Website?

Poor Rankings

Many sites have been built on large, popular Website platforms which make it very easy to build a site, BUT the site will simply not rank well in Google. Even if you spend thousands on an advanced SEO strategy, rankings rarely improve.

This reduces organic traffic, costs thousands in lost leads and business and leaves the profitable higher ranking positions to your competitors

It’s Simply Too Slow

Load time is another critical aspect of Website Design.

Slow load times increase the chance that your potential client will be gone before your page even opens.

And site speed is one of the most important aspects in Goggle’s assessment of your site as well

Doesn’t Look Right On Mobile

Your website must look perfect, no matter the size of device a visitor is using.

Many sites were not built to adjust to Mobile phone screens, tablets, smaller laptop screens etc.

A “Responsive” website makes this happen.

Nothing destroys user satisfaction faster than a site that simply does not display properly on the screen a visitor is using. And few things destroy your rankings faster than bad User Experience.

Its Just Too Restrictive.

Your current site might simply not be able to handle the additional functions you would like to add.  You might want to add E-Commerce, take online bookings, build a subscriber base, include a blog or directory.

Depending on your website, these things might be possible with some modifications or some new plugins, but depending on your platform it could also mean a rebuild.

This is another reason we recommend WordPress, they are simply more likely to handle the changes you might want in future.

You Can’t Operate Your Own Site

Few things are more frustrating to a Website owner, than not being able to update content, or carry out basic management without outside help.

It’s slow, expensive and unnecessary.

To fix the problem we get your website off the old, outdated platform it was built on, and replace it with a modern, flexible WordPress theme which is almost as easy to use as your word processor software

Improve Design And Increase Conversions

If your current site makes it hard to showcase your products and services, or add new ones as they come online it is almost certainly costing you money.

Not only that, if your visitors are not taking the actions you  would like  them to take, whatever that might be, chances are that your “calls to action” need an overhaul.

Its also possible that your processes are not as clear or as user friendly as you think.

It Looks Dated

Like everything, Website fashion changes, and web users become accustomed  to seeing and visiting sites that look “modern” and fresh. If a tired looking site loads, many users will simply click away and move to the next site in the index.

Just giving your site a visual upgrade can greatly increase user satisfaction, visitors, and leads.

Better, More Targeted Clients

A more modern, appealing site also positions your business as a more successful, trusted business.

And more successful businesses command more profitable fees and higher unit sales.

A simple makeover can be great for the bottom line.

Would You Like To Know More About WordPress Websites?

Let’s talk about your current situation and see what can be done to improve your results.

We only build WordPress Websites because they are the most flexible and user friendly.

Our Website Design Process

Every website we Design goes through the same proven process.

It makes sure that the Website we build exceeds your expectations, delivers for your Business, and is built on a solid SEO framework.

Our Six Steps To A Website Upgrade

Step 1. Base

We collect essential information and resources from the client so the project can begin

Step 2. Frame

We expand the resources, research your niche, and plan the Website Framework

Step 3. Build

We create the Website layout, and upload your content

Web Design step by step

Step 4. Inspect

We give you a demo of your website to closely inspect and provide feedback, and final changes

Step 5. Launch

We publish, launch and thoroughly test your Website.

Step 6. Deliver

We walk you through your site, explain how to maintain, update and protect it as required.

Protection During A Website Upgrade.

Depending on the nature of your makeover, there are a number of technical steps we may need to take to protect your existing rankings and traffic.

Preserving URLs And Links

Visitors to your site are finding you because individual pages or posts are being seen in Search Results. Each of these has a unique address online which is called their URL.  Other sites may have shared your pages, or sent links to your pages helping to boost traffic and rankings.

Before we change anything, we will put a strategy in place to ensure that traffic and incoming backlinks are preserved, that future users are properly redirected and don’t end upon error pages because the content they are looking for has moved or simply no longer exists.

Your Current Integrations

As it stands, your site will likely have specific plugins and integrations which are critical to is function, and will remain so with your upgraded site.  We will review the current situation, retain all of the functions you wish to keep, and remove unnecessary applications which my be damaging performance.

Improving Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Some of the Content on your site will be ranking for keywords that you want to be seen for, either through the nature of the content itself, or because of SEO work that has already been done on some of that content.  Surprisingly, it might also be ranking for terms that are not really relevant to your business, and that can actually damage you overall rankings.

Your current site no doubt reflects your Business objectives as they were when it was built, but in the years since your objectives may have expanded or changed.

We discuss your current activities, then take a close look at your current content and SEO situation. This allows us to formulate an improved SEO strategy. We retain what is relevant and working, and add a new plan for content and SEO. These not only support your new site rankings, but by reaching the right audience, can boost conversions and profitability.

Search Engine optimization

Avoiding Downtime

A well-planned conversion, also means working to minimize downtime and disruption. So, we not only look for the best time to launch the new site (usually when traffic is at its’ lowest), but our team is on hand watching for and minimizing any disruptions.

We know the importance of having your site function continuously and our goal in any relaunch is No Downtime.

Your Website And Email Hosting

A vital part of any Website upgrade is an assessment of current hosting arrangements. Not only could you be paying more than you should be, but the expensive hosting arrangement you have could also be responsible for the slow speeds on your site.

We take a look at your current arrangements. In many cases we can arrange less expensive Hosting, and give you a faster website at the same time.

In any Hosting change, we also take a close look at how your email hosting is set up. Often the two are connected, and extra care is needed to preserve your email function and history in the move.

We Might Recommend A Website Upgrade If :

– Business objectives have changed since your site was built

– Rankings in Search Engines are unsatisfactory,

– traffic does not convert into new business

– your traffic is lower than you would like

– the site’s load times are slow

– your site simply looks tired

Should we have a chat to discuss your specific needs? 

How The Process Works

If you are interested in starting on a Website Upgrade with us, here is how we  work.

First you book in a time for a Free Web Design Consult here

When you decide to go ahead with an upgrade, we agree on a package to suit your needs.

We confirm payment and contract terms

From there, we instigate our 6 step Website Design Process (outlined above), as well as the extra steps needed to protect your traffic, URL’s, links and Integrations discovered during our review of your site

We strive for a quality website build, delivered in a realistic timeframe. This means we will be working with you closely on content, and to keep you informed on the project.

After The Launch Of Your New Website

Most clients simply love being handed the keys, so they can access their WordPress website.

They appreciate the freedom to start making updates and add content themselves without having to rely on, or wait for anyone else.

Others recognise that they simply do not have the skills within the Business to continue the development that has been started, or to

No matter how careful you are, things can and will go wrong.

From simply not being able to get new content to appear the way you would like, to accidentally deleting or destroying the formatting of existing content.

It happens, and if you wish we can be there ready to help.

Online support after website design

Ongoing Support Is Available

We have a number of inexpensive, ongoing support packages, if you would like us to help with continued development or just peace of mind.

What is easy for us to fix could otherwise keep your website down for days.

If all of this makes sense, we can start by discussing your current Website, your goals, and opportunities today.  

Just book in a call, we would love to talk to you

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