Security SEO Maintenance

Protect & Grow Your Website​

Responsive Design

Our SEO and Responsive design make it easy to have an Online presence that truly represents you and your business.

Fast Loading Time

Smart decisions make for great websites and Design is critical to better Rankings and more Leads

User Experience

Everything ages, Websites included. We can bring your Website up to date, and improve its performance as well

What Is SEO?

SEO simply stands for Search Engine Optimization, but that, without an explanation doesn’t really help, does it?

Lets look at an example.

Assume  you have a question you need an answer to, or you need to find a nearby business that can offer a particular service.  So, you jump on to Google and type in the words which best describe what it is your looking for.

Within a fraction of a second Google will give you pages of possible solutions. In fact, Google’s main focus is to give you the most appropriate answers in the shortest possible time.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process a website operator must use, so that Google can quickly recognise that a specific Website has the information, or the service you are searching for.

In reality, SEO is the art of getting a Website to rank well by giving Search Engines (mainly Google) what they want.

When you engage us to improve your site’s SEO, we are working to improve how your existing content ranks in Search results.

We also develop a plan for future content to expand your site’s reach, and to  make it relevant to the people you are most wanting to reach.

No-one, not even Google itself, can guarantee to get your content ranking on the first page of Google. All we can do is make your site as user friendly, and as relevant as possible then use SEO principles to target your preferred visitors.

Why Invest In SEO?

The intention of course, is to be ranked highly by Google for as many relevant terms or queries possible.

Here are 7 reasons why:

#1 A huge 82% of the millions of daily searches happen there.

#2 Every search gets a page / pages of results.

#3 Fewer than 20% of searchers scroll to the second page.

#4 The result is that almost 70% of all clicks, go to the

top 5 organic results on Google’s first page.

#5 So, the goal is to rank #1 in Google, but somewhere in the

TOP 5 is a huge win.

#6 Whatever your Rank, using SEO will improve it over time.

#7 Targeting the right keywords with SEO, and ranking higher means

– higher conversions

– more leads

– lower ad spend

– greater Profitability

An SEO Strategy For Your Business

Simply adding content, and building it with the correct SEO techniques is only part of the process.

To have your Website make a positive contribution to your bottom line, we need to know more than just the techniques, we need to design your site to be a Digital Marketing asset.

To create a workable strategy, we need to focus on your intended outcomes. We also need to see how your niche is performing, and what people are searching for.

From there, we create a pathway that takes your visitor on a journey. Effectively converting this new traffic into qualified leads, and ultimately into satisfied, even repeat customers.

Do you think we could help with your Digital Marketing and SEO?

Digital Marketing with SEO

What Are The Cornerstones Of Great SEO


Using the Keywords and Phrases that people are using to find sites like yours. Positioning them strategically during the construction and design of your Website. And then again when defining and creating your content.

Site Design

The content readers see is only part of the story. In the back end we need to optimize every article and every image. This makes it easier for Google’s bots to read and understand. We also employ the right plugins and applications for optimum Website performance. 


The quality and originality of your content is a critical ranking Factor. Having properly constructed core pages, helps Google and visitors clearly understand what your site is about. These are supported by an ongoing collection of blog posts or articles, grouped together in categories. These articles are targeting Keywords, and variations on keywords as well as providing quality, useful information to readers interested in your topic.

Content creation relies on headings, sub-headings, optimized images, video and graphics to make the information easy to digest for people and bots alike.

Content must also remain current. No one is interested in a site where the last content was loaded years ago!

User Experience

This is a huge factor for Goggle, and a fundamental part of Website design and SEO practices for us.

By measuring how a visitor interacts with your site, Google decides how good or bad the User’s experience is. How long do they spend on the site, do they scroll, do they click through to other pages, do they come back.

Does the site seem to work on all devices, is the navigation clean and clear so visitors can find what they need with a minimum of clicks etc

All part of good on-page SEO

Site Performance

Some of Googles highest standards are applied to your site’s performance. It measures everything. Then those measurements are applied to lift or lower your site in search results. Site speed is a critical factor here as is the reliability of your site. The absence of missing pages, broken links, and little or no down time all help as well.


Making sure that there are clear internal links guiding readers from one article to another, both on your site and elsewhere. Fixing broken links, both internal and external quickly, and earning quality incoming links from other websites all play a part in how well Google ranks your Pages, Posts and your Website as a whole.


Using properly optimized and sized images, video, infographics etc all help to maintain a reader’s interest. They extend a visitor’s time on your site without having a negative impact on site speed, load times etc


Making sure that the technical aspects of your site are up to date, repairing and replacing broken links as well as maintaining a solid network of internal links all help to boost and retain your rankings.

Website design with SEO

Why Is SEO So Powerful?

All Search Engines, (including Google) have spent decades trying to do one thing, Simply provide the most accurate possible answer to an online query.

In the process, they have developed extremely complex algorithms. These weed out the less appropriate pages, and deliver the most relevant answers from the billions of pages on the internet.

Although these algorithms are constantly changing.And the exact ranking factors are never disclosed, Google has defined and expanded its directions to website owners on how to best satisfy its needs.

So, simply put, SEO is Powerful because it gives Search Engines (especially Google) what it is looking for to best rank your content.

Other SEO Practices & Tools

There are many factors and tools that can be used to help SEO and rankings.

-Google my Business for local sites

-Optimized Article headings

-Careful selection of URL’s

-Google Reviews

-Google Analytics

-Competitor Analysis

-Clear content strategies

-Quality, original Articles and images

For the long term protection of clients, we use only best practice (White Hat) SEO techniques. These comply with Goggle’s guidelines, ensuring that you will never be penalized by Google for using faster acting ,(but outlawed), Black Hat SEO strategies.

Can You Put Me On Page 1 Of Google?

That depends entirely on the competitiveness of the Keyword you are wanting to rank for. As well as the quality of your content, the overall performance of your website, and the strength of your site’s reputation online.

Can we promise you page 1 for your most competitive  keywords? …No

As we said before not even Google can promise itself Page 1. It depends on how the Algorithms assess your content, and SEO helps with that.

 What we can do is put in place all of the Fundamentals that Google tells us are essential to rank well.

We can certainly get you more highly ranked for a range of less competitive terms. The combined “weight” of those rankings, combined with carefully constructed internal linking will then help to lift your rankings for the more competitive terms.

You might also be pleasantly surprised by how much new traffic you get from the less competitive terms along the way.

When Will I See Results From SEO

SEO takes time to work.

For some low competition keywords you can see results in 1-3 months, but for medium to high competition targets think more like 6 months to a year.

Results on smaller, newer websites will take longer. Making SEO improvements to larger and older sites can see improvements more quickly.

As a rule of thumb we suggest that most clients should allow 12 months for ongoing SEO to have a lasting effect.

Even then, no one can guarantee the rank you will achieve, but it will be much better than the same content without an SEO focus.

Website Maintenance

Because overall site performance is a major factor in Rankings, there are maintenance tasks that must be carried out continuously.

So, site maintenance goes hand in hand with SEO when it comes to running a secure and successful Website

Site Maintenance keeps the many back-end functions working smoothly, helps to maintain good user experience and safeguard your site. We make it far more difficult for hackers or Malware to affect your site.

We also put backup procedures in place and monitor their performance. So, if something does go wrong, we can get you up and running again quickly. From there we work in the background to solve the problem.

Website maintenance and Security service

Together, our SEO and Maintenance packages allow us to maintain and grow your website for you. With 24/7 security monitoring, and fast problem solving.

Let us keep your Website Current, Secure and growing while you take care of growing your Business.

Can I Rank My Site Without SEO Help

The answer to that is Yes.

Google doesn’t care who is doing the work, but it does respond depending on how much SEO focus is applied to your site.

If you can dedicate the time to learning SEO. Keeping up with the changes and ongoing demands of the Algorithms, then you could make improvements yourself.

But, it will almost certainly take longer as you learn the craft and how to apply it.

If you would rather get started now, book in a call about SEO for your new or existing site.

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