Website Design & Development​

Make a Targerted Impression with Your Website

Responsive Design

We make it easy for you to have an Online presence that truly represents you and your business.

Fast Loading Time

Smart decisions make for great websites and Design is critical to better Rankings and more Leads

User Experience

Everything ages, Websites included. We can bring your Website up to date, and improve its performance as well

Smart Decisions About Your Online Presence.

Website Design is critical. If there was ever any doubt that the Internet would become the cornerstone of all Business marketing, the debate is now over.

Consider the modern consumer’s need for immediate answers. Add the ever increasing convenience of internet access. Plus the undeniable power of social media to shape opinions and reputations.

No Other Marketing Medium Comes Close To Its Power And Influence.

As each year passes, a Business without a professional, highly functional website becomes less and less visible. Why? Simply because they are not represented in the place that their customers are looking for them.

Getting your Website built, seen, and supported by your own social media presence is now as essential to your success as the product or service your business provides.

New Website Design

Our Process

Initial Consultation

Much like an Iceberg, the parts of a website that you see are only a fraction of what makes your site successful.

Its all the work we do in the background that makes your new Website secure, responsive, and relevant to Search Engines.

Of course we make sure that the part you see is something you can be proud of. But it’s all the hidden elements that make the Website work for you and your visitors.

We “design in” User Satisfaction, because Google puts huge emphasis on it when ranking your site.


When most people think about a website, it is the homepage they have in mind. But there is something we need to get right long before we start there.

Before any page is constructed, we must understand the needs you have for the entire site. From there we can arrive at a layout. That layout forms the basis of all pages on the site.

It is this step that allows your visitors to easily navigate your site.

So they can find what they want and take the actions you want them to take.

Homepage Construction

With the layout in place, we can focus on making your Homepage highly relevant to potential visitors. And to Google.

This involves careful research and content creation. Making sure your website answers the questions in the minds of the people searching. We have only a couple of seconds to convince your visitor before they leave.

This is also critical for high ranks in Search Engines.

Your Homepage is not everything. But, it is the pathway to everything. And we make sure that finding those things is easy for your visitors.

Support Pages

Because your Homepage can’t cover everything, the support pages are also Critical.

We have made it easy for visitors to find them on your site. Now, we must also make them easy to find in Google itself.

Most people think that Google ranks websites, but it doesn’t.

What it actually ranks is website Pages. So, every page on your site is an opportunity to grab the attention of a potential customer.

For this reason we treat every page with the same attention to detail, and the same design principles that we apply to your homepage.

Only the targeting changes.

Modern Website Design

Whilst the look of a Web page is important, it is less important than having a clear understanding of what that page needs to achieve. 

With that in mind, quality professional Website design focuses on Titles, headings and sub headings which clearly capture your purpose.

Next comes quality content, and images. Leaving your reader in no doubt that they are in the right place. Certain that you are the one they are looking for.

We make it hard for them to miss your call to action. Make sure that contacting you is easy.

And that contact comes in the way, your business prefers to be contacted. 

Designing For SEO

Making your site attractive, and user friendly is rewarding. But, what does it matter if no-one sees it? This is where designing for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) comes in.

SEO is a massive subject, but is broadly broken into On-Page and Off-page practices.

On-Page SEO

There are dozens of attributes which each and every page of your website simply must have. These keep Search Engines happy, and give you  the best chance of ranking well for the topic that page is about.

The more pages that comply with all of these aspects, the more strongly each page, and the Website as a whole will rank in Google.

The good news is that all of this is within our control during Website Design stage.

Off- Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is much harder. It is about working with other websites, to make your site more visible to Search Engines. Letting Google know that you are a worthy part of the conversation or an authority in your Niche.

Like essential website maintenance and security management, this is a specialised and ongoing process. It takes time to learn and perfect, and you simply must stay on top of all of the changes Google make to their Algorithm.

For most website owners it is a task best outsourced.

We have a Website Design and Maintenance package to suit most website builds, or can create a solution specifically for you. In either case we start with a free Consultation.

Website makeovers

Website Makeovers.

Like everything in life, websites age. The underlying technology gets improved upon, visual fashion changes, and the demands of Search engines change overtime.

If your existing website is under performing, if it does not bring you the business you had hoped for, or if it is no longer something you are proud to direct people to, it is surely time for an upgrade.

We can help.

By looking closely at your existing site, and understanding where your current visitors are coming from, we can modernize your site, improve your rankings, and bring new eyes to your pages, without loosing any of the impact your site already has.

Because we always use WordPress for Websites, you will end up with a site that is current, easier to use, easier to maintain, and which is safe from online security threats.

Once the upgrade is done, we can hand the site back to you, or we can stay involved with ongoing SEO and Content creation to keep you new site relevant for longer.

Sunny Coast Digital website Conversion

Website Conversions

Because the process of building a professional site seems daunting, too many businesses have ended up with sites that are built on either “so called” user friendly platforms, or with out of date technologies.

The end result can be that you don’t even own your own website, or even it’s content. Not only that, but the wrong platform and old technology mean that getting to rank high in search engines is almost impossible.

By converting your Website to your own URL, hosting it on an efficient and economical platform, and re-building it on WordPress with a quality theme, we can give you control of your online identity.

Depending on your needs, we can simply recreate what you had, but on a much better base, or apply the same design principles and processes that make our new website builds so successful.

Once complete, you and your team can easily manage the day to day changes on the site, or we can stay involved to maintain security, SEO and content development.

Our Website Design Process

Every website we Design goes through the same proven process.

It makes sure that the Website we build exceeds your expectations, delivers for your Business, and is built on a solid SEO framework.

Our Six Steps To A New Website Design

Step 1. Base

We collect essential information and resources from the client so the project can begin

Step 2. Frame

We expand the resources, research your niche, and plan the Website Framework

Step 3. Build

We create the Website layout, and upload your content

Web Design step by step

Step 4. Inspect

We give you a demo of your website to closely inspect and provide feedback, and final changes

Step 5. Launch

We publish, launch and thoroughly test your Website.

Step 6. Deliver

We walk you through your site, explain how to maintain, update and protect it as required.

Website Design Packages

We have three Standard Website packages which suit most small to medium size applications.


5 Page website

Some businesses really only want a one page Website.

Just a single page to capture your activities.

But, there are a minimum of 4 extra pages that you must have.

These are needed for legal, and Search Engine requirements.


6-9 page Websites

These sites allow you to focus on your three main income producing areas or products.

To tell your story in a way that customers and Search Engines both love.

This makes you seem “more real” and therefore more trustworthy online


10-15 Page websites

There is much more we can do on a site of this size. We can include more Core purpose pages to highlight your major lines or services.

Add a blog so introducing future content is easy, structured, and relevant. Create a subscription page to allow you to build an invaluable email list of prospective and existing clients and much more.

Bigger Sites And Specific Design Requirements

If your needs are more advanced, we can tailor a solution for you

Some Of The Services We Provide To Larger Clients Include:

Why not book an obligation free Consultation to discuss your needs.

Some Of Our Recent Website Design Projects

website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
website design by Sunny Coast Digital Aganecy
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